Ministry of Religion - перевод на голландский
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Ministry of Religion - перевод на голландский

Cannabis Ministry; Cannabis sacrament; Hawaii Ministry of Cannabis Sacrament; Hawai'i Ministry of Cannabis Sacrament; Thc ministry; THC Ministry Amsterdam; Amsterdam Cannabis Ministry; Marijuana religion

Ministry of Commerce and Industry         
Trade & Industry; Ministry of Commerce; Ministry of Foreign Trade; Ministry of Industry; Trade and Industry; Ministry of Industry, Energy and Tourism; Minister of Trade and Industry; Ministry of Trade and Industry (disambiguation); Ministry of Trade; Ministry of Trade (disambiguation); Minister of Industry and Commerce; Ministry of Commerce and Industry; Ministry of Industry and Commerce; Ministry of Industry and Supply; Ministry of Industries; Ministry of trade and industry
Ministerie van handel en industrie
Ministry of Labor         
Department of Labor; Department of Labour; Department Of Labor; Dept. of Labor; Ministry of Labor; Labor Department; Labour Department; Labor ministry; Departments of Labor; Labour ministry; Minister for Labour; Ministry of labor; Ministry of labour
Ministerie van Arbeid
Ministry of the Interior         
Interior Ministry; Ministry of the interior; Ministry of the Interior; Home Affairs; Department of Home Affairs; Ministry of Interior; Interior Department; Ministry of Internal Affairs; Federal Ministry of the Interior; Home Ministry (disambiguation); Ministry of Home Affairs; Home affairs; Ministry of Home Affairs (disambiguation); Federal Ministry of Interior; Interior Ministries; Interior ministries; Interior department; Interior departments; Interior Departments; Ministries of the interior; Ministries of the Interior; Departments of the Interior; Department of the interior; Departments of the interior; Home ministry; Department of Home; Internal affairs ministries; Interior ministry; Ministry of internal affairs; M of Interior; Interior affairs; Home Department (disambiguation)
n. Ministerie van Binnenlandse Zaken


·noun Positivism; the positive philosophy. ·see Positivism.


THC Ministry

The THC Ministry, founded by Roger Christie from the Religion of Jesus Church, is a religion which considers cannabis to be a sacrament. Members base their practices on what they see as an eclectic mixture of ancient wisdom, modern science, and the enlightening and healing properties of cannabis sacrament. Its mission includes "liberating the Cannabis plant and the minds of those who do and of those who do not revere it," and is actively involved in the legal and social discussions surrounding cannabis use in society. On July 8, 2010, Christie and 13 other individuals allegedly associated with the THC Ministry were indicted by a Federal grand jury in Honolulu on Marijuana Possession and Trafficking charges. Christie served four years in jail following an April 2014 sentencing, and was on probation until 2018.

Примеры употребления для Ministry of Religion
1. Religious faculties, high schools, and special Koran courses sponsored by the Ministry of Religion are opened to anyone who wants.